Why 83% of Matured African Men Don't Last Long In Bed


I’ll keep this short.  

I value my time and I hope you value yours too.

If you battle with premature ejaculation, 

You’ll know it’s one of the worst conditions a man can find himself in.

The constant disappointment and embarrassment strips off your dignity as a man.

And when you truly look at it…

Is one not a failure if one can’t perform one’s bedroom duties as a man?

Abi of what usefulness is a man who can’t give it to his woman the way she wants?

Enough of the story,

Let’s get right into it:

If you battle with premature ejaculation,

There are 4 major reasons why you’re still struggling with this.

And until you figure out the EXACT cause or causes of your own problem,

You won’t be able to get out of this condition

That’s why you see many men complain to have spent thousands of naira on drugs yet no positive outcome.

If that’s how it has always been you as well, today marks the end of your struggles.

Because I’m about to show you…


Below are the four major causes of early ejaculation.

Read it carefully to figure out what your own cause is and join the group where the solutions will be revealed by 8pm tonight. 

  1. High penis hypersensitivity: This is when the tip of a man’s penis is so sensitive that any little entry into a woman, he feels the urge to release very fast. Some men are born this way.

    Also when One contract urinary tract infection, it causes the tip of the penis to become very sensitive. When this happens you’ll surely perform poor.

  2. Hormonal Imbalance: This is most common in men above the age of 30. Some hormones in charge of sex like citrulline, arginine, testosterone, and the likes of them begin to go out of balance.

    Once this happens, poor performance will most likely occur.

  3. Infections: Infections like prostatitis, chlamydia infections and seminal vesculitis are the second cause of this problem.

    These infections cause the prostate to become swollen and and can cause the vesicles that hold sperm to become inflamed.

    As a result, the body won’t be able to hold sperm for long when you’re making love with your wife

  4. Psychological factors: The last cause of quick pouring is psychological in nature. This includes fear, anxiety, worry, over excitement, and the likes of them. Also excessive masturbation and porn addiction can be a major cause of this as well. If you engage in any of the above habits kindly stop them for your own good

Now that you know what the major causes of your early ejaculation, would you also love to know the way out?

If your answer is yes,

I’ll love to invite you to my FREE whatsapp class where I show men how to escape each of these conditions.

If you’ll love to be a part of this class, kindly click the big button below to join the next batch